Our Roots
About twenty five years ago, an inventive farm implement dealer in rural Ontario saw the opportunity to bring the advantages of putting computer power into an electric tractor. Central to his design was a software controller, able to intelligently direct the two independent drive motors and all the safety functions of the tractor. The more his team experimented, the greater the tractor’s value grew. A pressure sensitive foot pedal signaled the on-board computer to accelerate, slow and stop each of the two drive motors. As the tractor was slowed, the batteries received a quick recharge surge, extending tractor run time. Patents for the Electric Powered Small Tractor were filed in both the U.S. and Canada. The Electric OX was born.
Many early customers were greenhouse vegetable growers who needed exhaust free equipment to move produce and materials around the narrow aisles of their greenhouses. They also needed the towing and pushing power of a small farm tractor. The Electric OX was emissions free, weighted down with six lead acid batteries that could pull over 3.5 tons and had a steering system able to navigate the smallest spaces.
Other uses soon followed including towing people trains in theme parks quietly and fume free and baggage handling in transport terminals. Able to push/pull above its weight class with an extra tight turning radius, the electric tractor made work more comfortable and safer for the drivers and their cargo.